What happened to Tally Hall? Did they break up?

Category: General Questions

Tally Hall has not broken up. They’ve not even officially made any sort of announcement saying what their current status is, but I personally feel the best way to describe their status is “on hiatus.” They’re all doing their own things, if you haven’t noticed, and I think that’s a great way for them all to better discover their individual strengths.  Then, when and if they begin writing together again, things could get great.

Andrew has stayed in the music business; writing solo under the moniker “edu” as well as being a studio musician for such acts as John Legend & Blake Charleton.  In addition to putting out an album called “sketches” in 2012, his work as a songwriter and instrumentalist on John Legend’s album “Love In The Future” earned Mr. Legend  a Grammy nomination.  You can find him playing small solo shows around the Brooklyn area.  Andrew contributed to Rob’s solo album, too.  He put out a few etudes albums and also re-released a remixed/remastered version of Sketches called “sketches 3d”. Read more up-to-date information on Andrew over at the Tally Hallmanac.

Joe has been back at school, actually, living in the southern half of the states. But that didn’t stop his musical endeavors.  He put together “Hawaii: Part II” in 2012 (with Zubin, Ross, and Rob), which is a fantastic album that allowed him to dump out a lot of music he’s had in his head for years. In 2014, Joe released “Hawaii: Part II, part ii” which provided fans with outtakes and demos of the original album.  The same year, a video game was created, based on “Labyrinth”, one of the album’s songs. Joe also released an official solo album called “Joe Hawley Joe Hawley” which was re-released completely backwards and was renamed “Yelwah Eoj Yelwah Eoj” to avoid copyright issues. Read more up-to-date information on Joe over at the Tally Hallmanac.

Rob has probably been the most visible member since Tally Hall’s last album. He’s made his living  as a songwriter in Los Angeles and has saw  success writing fun, little songs on the side (see: Shia Labeouf, Christian Bale Is At Your Party).  In April 2014, he released his debut solo album, “Not A Trampoline” which was warmly embraced by fans of Tally Hall.  He’s been releasing some very creative music videos, including one for the song “Perfect”, otherwise known as “29 Celebrity Impressions, 1 Original Song” which went viral and garnered an astounding  5  million views on YouTube in 4  days )now over 10 million). The video was then revealed to be an elaborate hoax by way of another video, which also went viral.  Rob was able to top this in October 2014 with the release of “Shia LaBeouf Live“, which was incredibly successful, and  was hailed by the likes of Jimmy Kimmell and Rainn Wilson, who called it  “THE GREATEST VIDEO OF ALL TIME“. Joss Whedon said: “All art will now be measured by this great work.” Rob now spends his time working for Disney, mainly Disney Junior, reimagining all the classic lullabies and children’s classics as well as main songwriter for Disney Junior shows like TOTS. Read more up-to-date information on Rob over at the Tally Hallmanac.

Ross, like Zubin, went back to school although he continues to pop up here and there as a producer and percussionist. He also used to DJ under the name “Mr. F” but recently he’s just been using his real name while DJing. His main focus has been school. He graduated from UofM with a 4.0 science GPA and is  graduated from Yale with a shiny new PhD so he is officially Dr. Ross Federman. Read more up-to-date information on Ross over at the Tally Hallmanac.

Zubin‘s also focused on school and aside from appearing on Hawaii: Part II and Shia Labeouf Live, has not done much of anything in the way of music in the last handful of years. He also got his doctorate, got married, had a child, and is living happily ever after. Read more up-to-date information on Zubin over at the Tally Hallmanac.

But the question you want to know is, will they ever come back together as “Tally Hall”? In the opinion of this humble Tally Hall Fan Headquarters moderator: Yes, eventually, but with not as much push so they can keep their full-time jobs. It will be a casual thing. They were kids when they put their lives on hold the first time. They could afford to do it then. Now they’re adults and making the band a full-time thing is a much bigger risk.

In February 2014, Andrew said “There have been talks of a new record for a long time… We’ve got a ton of material in the vault, lots of new tunes, but we’re all doing our own thing now. Rob (Cantor) has a solo record coming out this year, and I worked on couple of tracks for that. Joe (Hawley) is in a writing phase for some potential Tally Hall tunes. So it’s on our minds, but everybody’s going their own way for the moment.”

So yeah, I wouldn’t be surprised if they recorded some things together here and there, perhaps remotely. Think in terms of what they did for Hawaii: Part II. Touring is a whole other monster. That will mean getting vacation time from work and school timed right for everyone.

Again, these are all my own educational guesses based on the impressions I get from them and applying my own knowledge of trying to be in a band while working full-time. I could be completely wrong. But if you’re getting frustrated because you are waiting for them to put out new music, relax. Don’t hold your breathe any longer. Enjoy what the members are doing outside of Tally Hall and hope for the best.

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